The American Society of Brewing Chemists has been improving and bringing uniformity to the brewing industry on a tech level since 1934. The association serves its members well, which includes a zillion breweries, brewing suppliers, academic researchers, government agencies and even organizations associated with regulation of the beer industry. ASCB will also share some of its vast amounts of technical knowledge with the public. I’m a big fan of its microbiological control method video series (they should make more), as well as its Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. And just today, whilst surfing the internet, I noticed ASBC has great little info nuggets on its website that are free for even non-members — like this lab safety checklist.
Because of the importance of safety, ASBC gives the checklist open access, making it available for anyone to download. It involves: general good laboratory practices, communication, personal protective equipment and hazards present in brewery labs. I highly suggest you download it right over here. Then consider ASBC membership right here.
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