Sam Calagione and Dogfish Head Brewery release tons of videos, and we watch nearly all of them. Basically, we’ll pretty much watch Sam do anything. Recently Calagione reflected on the collection of vintage Dogfish bottles at the Lewes Historical Society’s exhibit focused on Delaware brewing. It’s interesting to hear him talk about the label stocks he used, and of course the “piece of shit East German soda bottle filler” that never seemed to hit the same fill level twice. In the late ‘90s, Calagione was even personally hand-stamping every bottle of 120 minute, which would be a pretty cool collector’s item if you’ve somehow left one in the back of the fridge. Watch the video above for even more funness.
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Watch Dogfish’s Sam Calagione talk about vintage bottles (and a piece of shit East German soda bottle filler)
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RT @CraftBrewingBiz: Watch Dogfish Head’s Sam Calagione talk about vintage bottles and shitty fillers. @dogfishbeer