Did your craft brewery break the top 50 this year? Or maybe you sold out to Big Beer and got kicked off the list? Or maybe the Brewers Association (BA) just pro-rated you brewery, and you’ll be nudged off next year? Those are the ones with the little asterisk. Check out the results below. Always one of the most anticipated lists of the year, the BA just released its annual lists of the top 50 craft and overall brewing companies in the United States, based on beer sales volume. Of the top 50 overall brewing companies, 43 were craft brewing companies, noting that figure is based on companies that met the BA’s craft brewer definition for all or part of 2015. To see the top 50 overall breweries in the United States click here.
“The top U.S. brewers continue to drive demand, growth, innovation and exponential interest in beers from small and independent brewers,” said Bart Watson, chief economist, Brewers Association. “With a historic record number of breweries in U.S., the top brewers continue to open new markets and expose beer drinkers to a variety of fuller-flavored styles and offerings.”
Drum roll, please….
RT @CraftBrewingBiz: The top 50 craft breweries of 2015 via the Brewers Association. #LoveThisList @BrewersAssoc https://t.co/RqHwsBtKtv
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RT @CraftBrewingBiz: The top 50 craft breweries of 2015 via the Brewers Association. #LoveThisList @BrewersAssoc https://t.co/RqHwsBtKtv