Friday afternoons are a reflective time here at the Craft Brewing Business office. In between brainstorming upcoming content, building new site features and chatting up our social media followers, we like to crack open a craft cold one and talk about our favorite headlines from the week. Then we thought you’d like to join us as we get a head start on the weekend.
Below you’ll find our story picks form the week, what we found interesting or what we learned and the craft beer we’re currently enjoying. But we want to keep this conversation going — let us know what stories caught your attention throughout the week and represent your favorite craft brewer by calling out what you’re drinking this weekend. Cheers!
The 360 End: A new can experience at the Craft Brewers Conference
Jason Morgan, editor:
While I was holding down the editorial fort last week in the CBB office as Chris and Keith were at the Craft Brewers Conference, I was blown away by the amount of content they churned out. The editorial tag team was impressive. Even more impressive? The content kept coming!
If you somehow haven’t heard, craft beer cans are on fire right now. And the 360 End from Crown one of the coolest can concepts we’ve seen. It’s great to see a new trend develop in the industry, but even more exciting to see the innovation that goes along with it.
Choice craft: The cold keg of Thirsty Dog Whippet Wheat in my kegerator.
Craft brewing operations: Tips for workflow, facility planning, packaging
Chris Crowell, editor:
I’m breaking the rules in order to promote my own stuff – this was from last week. Just before we headed to the Craft Brewers Conference and unloaded all sorts of live coverage, we posted this feature about workflow and planning. More importantly, I themed it to quotes from The Big Lebowski. So, I’m self-promoting this one just to make sure that it didn’t get buried under the CBC avalanche. I’m not an expanding brewer, but I found the chats with Kris Scholl from Deschutes, Steve Hunter from Facility Planning and Mario Mazzotta of Standard-Knapp, to be extremely interesting and informative. Hopefully you do too.
Choice craft: Fat Head’s Head Hunter IPA
New Belgium Brewing announces Asheville brewing equipment partners
Sean Wright, developer:
I took my summer vacation last year down in Asheville, N.C., after spending too many, albeit enjoyable, years at the beach. It was a great trip and I found myself really enjoying the people and culture of the city nestled in the mountains. That’s why any news about economic growth in Asheville is something I’m excited about. Add to that — this is growth in the craft beer scene — which I found to be fantastic while visiting. I look forward to my return trip this year and I’ll be happy to see what New Belgium brings to the city, the community and the wonderful craft beer culture of the surrounding area.
Choice craft: Troegenator Double Bock – Tröegs Brewing Co.
RT @BeerFacility: So we may be a little biased, but we *really* like one of the stories from @CraftBrewingBiz here: …
So we may be a little biased, but we *really* like one of the stories from @CraftBrewingBiz here: Happy weekend!
Had tons of great content in the past week or two, with CBC and all our other features. It’s definitely been a news whirlwind.
Join the convo. Editor Jason Morgan is hanging out and talking beer in the comments:
RT @CraftBrewingBiz: Thinkin’ and drinkin’ – Come talk craft beer headlines with CBB.