Did you know that yesterday was National Lollipop Day? It was also International Chess Day and Moon Day and Nap Day and Ugly Truck Contest Day. Unless you have an annoying co-worker with a calendar that promotes such things, you probably had no idea. But somehow, for some reason, those “days” took place, and every day there is another list of silly celebrations. As silly as this is, some of them could be a quick way to grab a couple more customers on those slower week nights.
We were inspired to promote this idea based on Atlanta-based Red Brick Brewing Co.’s co-promotion with McAlister’s Deli on Free Tea Day.
This isn’t one of those holidays that your annoying co-worker will know about because McAlister’s started it themselves eight years ago, but on this day the chain gives its loyal fans a free 32-ounce glass of McAlister’s Famous Tea. Additionally, the first 25 guests in line will receive a Free Tea Day t-shirt.
But this year, in celebration of FreeTea Day, the brand also announced an exclusive collaboration with Red Brick to create a sweet tea beer using McAlister’s Famous Sweet Tea, which will be available exclusively at Red Brick in Atlanta in late August.
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“We’ve always known our Tea Freaks are die-hard sweet tea fans, but this survey was a unique and engaging way for us to connect with them and truly understand how much they love sweet tea,” says Rick Altizer, president of McAlister’s Deli. “We’re very excited to partner with Red Brick and work with another Atlanta-based company and celebrate our city’s passions for sweet tea and craft beer.”
Tea Freaks in the Atlanta area are invited to join McAlister’s and Red Brick in a celebration of sweet tea, craft beer, and all things Atlanta on Saturday, August 27. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Red Brick will be serving McAlister’s Famous Tea Beer accompanied by live music and complimentary light bites from McAlister’s.
But of course, that’s not all. National French Fry day is approaching, and Saint Arnold Brewing Co. sent word that its Executive Chef Ryan Savoie is heading up Fry-fest at the brewery — which claims to have Houston’s best French fries. He is planning a world-class spread of accompaniments, including chili, spicy cheese curds, guacamole, bacon bits, Million Island dressing, jalapenos, Santo Queso, garlic aioli and, of course, ketchup. He will join hundreds of French fry devotees who paid $20 each to enjoy the goodness of expertly prepared French fries, accompaniments and beer.
Point is, it could be a random Wednesday on the calendar, or maybe a rather simple, silly idea inspires a handful of people to stop by and make it a better than average weekday.
So, what’ll it be for you? For inspiration, today is Legal Drinking Age Day and National Tug of War Tournament Day — the craft beer event has practically made itself.
Promotion idea: Host events for dumb ‘National Thing of the Day’ days https://t.co/8EQmSUbvez via @craftbrewingbiz