Branding is a serious consideration for craft breweries not just for the sales appeal but because, when done well, it can completely center the entire existence of the business. When the brewery understands its brand — who it is — customers will identify and follow. Today, Worthy Brewing is soft-launching one of our favorite rebranding efforts in some time, with new cans, new merchandise and serious yet playful mantra “Earth First. Beer Second” that we totally dig.
“In the past, our cans have always been sort of stand-alone brands,” said Roger Worthington, Worthy’s owner. “Now, they’re consistent and boldly portray the Worthy logo, making it easier for our customers to find the Worthy six-pack they’re looking for.”
Founded in 2012 by Roger Worthington and located in Bend, Ore., Worthy Brewing brews a full portfolio of craft beers and operates two full-time pubs — its original location on the east side of Bend and Taps and Tacos downtown. An advocate for the environment, a promoter of science education, a cycling and music enthusiast and a serious beer drinker — Worthington’s passions are the backbone of Worthy.
“We want to be recognized as the greenest brewery and restaurant in the Northwest,” said Worthington.
Each can portrays Worthy’s mantra, Earth First. Beer Second., on the label, along with Worthy’s commitment, “Worthy donates a percent of sales to earth-friendly non-profits,” which speaks to Worthy’s dedication to environmental stewardship.
“I’ve always been an advocate for our planet and science education,” said Worthington. “We continue to take baby steps in the right direction. We all believe in it, and it just makes sense to communicate that commitment through our branding and cans.”
The new look
Analyzing consumer insights and market trends, Worthy’s leadership team kept three of Worthy’s year-round styles in ongoing production: Worthy IPA, Lights Out Stout and its flagship Strata IPA. Brand new to the core lineup are: Secret Spot Pacific Pale and Sol Power Pilsner.
“Our new cans were hand-drawn by local artist and outdoor enthusiast, Paul Leighton, who is also a good friend of Roger’s,” said Meghan Hoey, Worthy’s director of marketing. “Each can represents a piece of Worthy’s identity — and together they help tell Worthy’s story.”
When asking Worthy’s Head Brewer Zach Brenneman about both Secret Spot and Sol Power, he said that both beers are lower in ABV but still boast all of the complex flavors and aromas that you expect out of great craft beers. On the Secret Spot he said, “It’s a beer you can drink after your trail run — and then have one [or two] more.”
And true to Worthy’s commitment in sourcing local, the Sol Power Pilsner features malt from Mecca Grade Estate Malts out of Madras, Oregon. “This Pilsner gets its flavor from Mecca Grade malts and a concentration of aroma hops,” Brenneman said. “You get more lemon, citrus and grassy notes, giving this pilsner a familiar local flavor.”
Speaking to the design of each can, Hoey shares that the Worthy IPA can represents Worthy’s commitment to source locally and support its Northwest neighbors first. She also shares that Worthy’s fan favorite, Lights Out Stout, showcases Worthy’s Hopservatory, a unique, one-of-a-kind observatory that lets its guests experience the humbling beauty and diversity of space, while inspiring those who visit to take care of our planet. Worthy’s other cans boast equally thought-provoking visuals and messages.
“At Worthy, we want to enhance the guest experience and also do the right thing by Mother Earth,” Worthington said.
In addition to new cans, Worthy’s rebrand also includes new artwork throughout its pubs, noticeable updates to its website, refreshed and aligned marketing collateral and overall brand strategy.
“Worthy has always been a proponent of green technologies and practices,” Hoey said, “but those efforts weren’t promoted consistently to our guests and community. Now they are, and we’ve made it our mission to continue to operate as responsibly and sustainably as we can — and share our learnings and progress with our fellow craft breweries and pubs. It’s not enough that we’re trying our best — we want others to join in too. Together we’ll be stronger and better poised to be responsible, active members of our community.”
A perfect 4/20 celebration
On Saturday, April 20, Worthy Brewing is hosting an Earth Day Celebration party at its east side location to celebrate the release of its new cans and its mantra, Earth First. Beer Second.
“Our decision to release our cans around Earth Day is intentional,” Hoey said. “This release party is a great way to present our new cans, engage with our community and enjoy fun and educational activities that connect us back to our land and our home. And of course, we can’t wait to have Precious Byrd take the stage!”
Worthy is partnering with The Environmental Center to give Bend an entire day’s worth of activities that are focused on Earth Day. Following The Environmental Center’s Earth Day parade and fair, Worthy invites you to head on over for a full afternoon and evening of entertainment.
A list of events:
- Noon to 2 p.m. Hopservatory Manager Grant Tandy will be offering solar viewings
- 3 to 4 p.m. Beer Educator Kelly Ward will be leading two, 30-minute brewery tours
- 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Worthy Garden Club Manager Lisa Sanco will be selling succulents in Worthy’s new cans (all proceeds donated to The Environmental Center)
- 3:30 to 5 p.m. Worthy’s community partners will be set up on Worthy’s patio, sharing their mission, upcoming events and ways to get involved. Some include: ONDA, 4 Peaks Music Festival, Tour des Chutes, REI, HDFFA, TEC
- 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Precious Byrd takes the stage
- 8 to 8:30 p.m., Worthy & The Environmental Center will select and announce the 3 raffle winners [prizes include: REI lounge basket, Brasada Ranch 2-night staycation, and a wheelbarrow full of Worthy’s new cans of beer]
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