Homebrewing has come a long way in the last 10 years. Today, homebrewers can legally brew in every state in the country (even Mississippi lets you homebrew). Some of the most interesting beers we here at CBB have had over the years have come from homebrewers. Just look at The National Homebrew Competition and Conference, which just happened in Grand Rapids, Mich., in June, boasting 8,172 homebrews judged in 2014. With a 45 percent increase in the number of competitors, it was the world’s largest beer competition ever. Grand Rapids resident Founders Brewing Co. took the opportunity to give some advice when it comes to making that special homebrew. In the video above, Founders brewers and production employees offer insights in honor of the American Homebrewers Association Conference. Our advice? Have fun with it and then, well, send us a few samples.
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Venice Duck Brewery liked this on Facebook.
RT @MICraftBeerCult: Homebrewing advice from Founders Brewing Company. http://t.co/M9TQw1bRGJ
RT @MICraftBeerCult: Homebrewing advice from Founders Brewing Company. http://t.co/M9TQw1bRGJ
RT @MICraftBeerCult: Homebrewing advice from Founders Brewing Company. http://t.co/M9TQw1bRGJ
RT @MICraftBeerCult: Homebrewing advice from Founders Brewing Company. http://t.co/M9TQw1bRGJ
RT @MICraftBeerCult: Homebrewing advice from Founders Brewing Company. http://t.co/M9TQw1bRGJ
Homebrewing advice from Founders Brewing Company. http://t.co/M9TQw1bRGJ
Jones’ Farm- Home of Bad Bunny Hops liked this on Facebook.
Ken Thiffeault liked this on Facebook.
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Glass Bottle Outlet liked this on Facebook.
HalfCut liked this on Facebook.
Homebrewing advice from Founders Brewing http://t.co/rhSsW2XfL1 via @craftbrewingbiz
BSG HandCraft liked this on Facebook.
RT @CraftBrewingBiz: Hey Homebrewers! Here’s some Monday morning advice from Founders Brewing. @foundersbrewing http://t.co/LcRbqN6QUT