Everyone’s doing it — why not you, Big Beer? We’re sure you have lots of buckets, lots of ice and lots of money to help a few charitable causes. Everyone from Mark Zuckerberg to Martha Stewart has been braving the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and just yesterday we saw LA-based craft brewer Fireman’s Brew call out the The King of Beers — Anheuser Busch — to take on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
As a craft beer company founded by firefighters who are dedicated to giving back to the firefighter community, it should come as no surprise that Fireman’s Brew donated $100 (each member in the video actually donated $100, totaling $800) to the ALS Foundation and poured ice cold water over themselves. Check out the video of Fireman’s Brew board members standing in their freezing 42 degree cooler and getting an ice cold bath, and feel free to share with your readers and social media channels. Will Big Beer step up to the challenge?
Awesome! RT @CraftBrewingBiz: Fireman’s Brew challenges @AnheuserBusch to ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. @FiremansBrew http://t.co/LgEgYUJ8CH
RT @inquarters14: RT @FiremansBrew: RT @CraftBrewingBiz: Fireman’s Brew challenges @AnheuserBusch to ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. http://t.co/…
RT @FiremansBrew: RT @CraftBrewingBiz: Fireman’s Brew challenges @AnheuserBusch to ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. http://t.co/MATnPZeHjF/s/iHo4
RT @CraftBrewingBiz: Fireman’s Brew challenges @AnheuserBusch to ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. @FiremansBrew http://t.co/NtWqAUucHe
Fireman’s Brew challenges Anheuser Busch to ALS Ice Bucket Challenge http://t.co/uu1tOLuiq6 via @craftbrewingbiz