Do you know the story of hopping and women’s stockings? Creative brewers filled one with hops and hung it into the maturing beer for the purpose of dry hopping. This may be a good anecdote, but surely no technique that professionals should use today to refine their beers.
BrauKon has therefore designed a system with which you can practice dry hopping in a professional and simple way: The BrauKon HopGun.
The BrauKon HopGun is exactly what you’d expect from a device that creative brewers are seeking for infusing beer with unique and powerful aromas. It gives you the possibility to dry hop any time in the fermentation or maturation process, gets you more consistency and efficiency within the brewing process.
Stop by booth No. 1913 at the 2014 Craft Brewers Conference and BrewExpo America and check out the latest BrauKon HopGun going to a highly respected customer from Slyfox Brewing Co. and discuss with our staff the possibility to implement the BrauKon HopGun in your brewery.
Dry hopping with the BrauKon HopGun: CBC Preview – Craft Brewing Business
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