Congratulations craft beer industry! You’ve made it! You know how you can tell? A craft brewery is the setting for a new romantic comedy – Drinking Buddies – starring that one guy from that one movie you quote from all the time (Ron Livingston, Office Space) and the woman with a number for a name from the TV show House (Olivia Wilde).
The plot is your typical rom-com fare, with a twist (Spoiler: The twist is beer!): Kate (Wilde) and Luke (Jake Johnson) work together at a craft brewery. They have one of those friendships that feels like it could be something more, but Kate is with Chris (Ron Livingston) and Luke is with Jill (Anna Kendrick). Jill wants to know if Luke is ready to talk about marriage. The answer to that question becomes crystal clear when Luke and Kate unexpectedly find themselves alone for a weekend.
Check out the trailer. Super fun drinking game: Drink every time you see a craft beer logo. Drinking Buddies will be available on iTunes and On Demand July 25, and in theaters August 23, 2013.
TankandBarrel says
Craft brewery sets the scene in indie comedy Drinking Buddies – Craft Brewing Business via @craftbrewingbiz
HoustonBeerExp says
Craft brewery sets the scene in indie comedy Drinking Buddies.
KalispellBrew says
#Craftbeer and rom-com? Oh yes. Drinking Buddies premiers this summer.
Beveragetrade says
RT @CraftBrewingBiz: Craft brewery sets the scene in indie comedy Drinking Buddies #FunFridayNews #CraftBeer
Beveragetrade says
@CraftBrewingBiz sounds good! looking forward to!