As you know, you can’t just plop in some yeast and call it a great beer — it’s about careful management and control of yeast. But yeast is bacteria, and bacteria is the oldest living stuff you’ll find on this planet, so it won’t listen to your rules.
Thanks to Oculyze GmbH, you can better control these old timey organisms with some 21st century tools: your smartphone. The latest upgrade for its Better Brewing yeast management tool, the yeast pitch calculator, will allow Oculyze users to choose their desired pitch rate directly in millions of cells or use the degree plato of the wort and a pitch rate factor to set the final desired pitch rate automatically.
“After ongoing discussions even from the beginning of our research and development phases with various experts in the field and reaching out to people in the craft beer community, it was obvious for us that we needed to integrate this feature,” said Uli Tillich, CTO at Oculyze.
Here is how it works
- Once a user has conducted their measurements, these results are automatically integrated into the pitch rate calculator.
- The user has the opportunity to enter the volume of wort and the desired final concentration.
- Final concentration can be calculated in a number of ways. Some may choose to manually enter this based on past experiences. There is a list of suggestions they can select based on different types of beer. The advanced settings allows for them to enter the degree plato and pitch rate factor (again, suggestions are available).
- Taking the user’s measurement results, the calculation shows which volume of yeast is needed to add to the wort — depending on which type of beer (degrees plato) and what volume the user wants to brew.
The team has more updates on the way too.
“We are working towards an even bigger product offering — including a separate device for contamination detection for filtered beer, a wider range of viability staining options, a jump into the homebrewing market and more,” said Kilian Moser, CEO at Oculyze GmbH.
Steven Williams says