So, ICYMI, The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau published a new Frequently Asked Questions section on the optional Alcohol Facts Statements on alcohol and beer labels. Take a look at a sampling below or head directly to the TTB’s helpful site and see for yourself.
May I provide per-serving alcohol content information on my label or in my advertisement without providing nutrient content information?
Yes. If your label or advertisement does not include any nutrient content statements or claims, you may provide the same truthful and accurate per-serving alcohol content information that is allowed as part of a Serving Facts statement under TTB Ruling 2013-2. This information should be provided under the heading “Alcohol Facts,” to distinguish it from a “Serving Facts” statement, and must include the serving size (in accordance with TTB Ruling 2013-2), the number of servings per container, and the percentage of alcohol by volume together with a numerical statement of the number of fluid ounces of pure ethyl alcohol per serving (rounded to the nearest tenth). If you wish to make any type of nutrient content statement or claim on the label or advertisement, along with optional per-serving alcohol content information, you should use a Serving Facts statement in accordance with TTB Ruling 2013-2.
Head to the TTB FAQ section to figure out how to calculate a “Serving size.”
May the “Alcohol Facts” statement be stated per container size?
An Alcohol Facts statement appearing on a label or an advertisement may be stated per container size only if the container size is equal to or less than a single serving size. However, as an option, the Alcohol Facts statement may be presented in a format that provides information both per serving size and per container size.
Is there a minimum type size for Alcohol Facts?
Generally, there are no minimum type size requirements for Alcohol Facts statements; however, the information should be readily legible and appear on a contrasting background. If it is being used to satisfy an alcohol content statement requirement on labels or in advertisements, it must meet the type size and placement requirements for that information.
Does the inclusion of an “Alcohol Facts” statement on my label satisfy any applicable regulatory requirements for an alcohol content statement?
The TTB labeling regulations require an alcohol content statement, expressed as a percentage of alcohol by volume, for certain products. Because the Alcohol Facts statement includes a statement of the percentage of alcohol by volume, it will satisfy those requirements as long as it complies with the placement and type size requirements set forth in the regulations.
Must I submit a new application for label approval if I want to add an “Alcohol Facts” statement to my approved label?
No, if an approved label is being changed only to include an Alcohol Facts statement following the guidelines in these FAQs, and the format used is one that is depicted in the examples provided, the submission of a new application for label approval is not necessary.
Alcohol Facts examples:
Other formats for per-serving alcohol content information will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will necessitate the submission of a new COLA application.
Alcohol Facts Statement label guidance now up on TTB website @CraftBrewingBiz
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RT @crsimp01: Alcohol Facts Statement label guidance now up on TTB website via @craftbrewingbiz
Alcohol Facts Statement label guidance now up on TTB website via @craftbrewingbiz