On the back of a hugely successful CBC 2014, Dr. Javier Gomez Lopez (FlavorActiV’s resident sommelier, expert taster trainer, and all-round craft enthusiast) will be in Portland for the 2015 Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America, talking to all the good people of the craft beer community about the role sensory can (and should) be playing in their brewing. Regardless of how big or small you are, quality and consistency are the foundations of any good beer.
Pop along to booth #690 to see how FlavorActiV’s range of craft beer sensory kits, tailored training programs and online validation schemes can benefit your brewery. And it’s not just for the brewers — everyone on the team should be able to identify and discuss the positive and negatives characteristics of beer.
Come along, try the flavors and judge for yourself.
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& other new products too, from sensory webinars to locally run tasting w/shops! Exciting times 😉 @CraftBrewingBiz